Why Fish Oil Weight Loss Is The Best

Why Fish Oil Weight Loss Is The Best

 By Saadallah Oudad
Weight loss has always been one of the most difficult ventures for individuals who are overweight or obese. If you want to lose a significant amount of weight, you need delicate and plausible strategies in order to be successful.
As usual, natural methods have been rated as the best because they are not only effective but they also have minimal or no side effects. Fish oil weight loss is one of the natural ways you can rely on to reduce weight and burn out the extra calories in you.
With the use of fish oil, it is possible to lose extra pounds of the excess weight you have every month. The good news is that fish oil is natural and does not contain any stimulants or caffeine. The bad side effects such as feeling nervous or jittery will no longer be there.
Even more importantly, fish oil weight loss does not affect the energy level of the user. This is the reason why health professionals and experts have persistently rated the oil as a preferred method of weight loss. It is even more appropriate to use because it has numerous overall health benefits besides the primary goal of weight loss. For instance, it helps to maintain the healthy status of the joints, heart and brain. This is a good combination of good benefits that makes fish oil a versatile product meant for individuals who want to lose weight as well as live healthy lifestyle.
The oil works by enabling you to burn fat and build muscles. As long as you take the right amount every day, the results will be amazing. The good news is that users do not have to engage in vigorous exercise or change diet as a way of supplementing the oil for maximum weight loss. It works efficiently without the need of any combination. On the other hand, the oil works by decreasing the appetite so that the user can stay longer between meals. It simply means that you will not feel hungry so that you eat less.
According to researches and statistics conducted, it has been established that fish oil can help one to regulate and take control of his or her mood and appetite. This is because once taken, it releases a chemical called serotonin that has the best antidepressant benefits. This is the same effect that makes the oil able to reduce or completely halt sugar cravings.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Saadallah_Oudad
How To Lose Weight In 6 Weeks

How To Lose Weight In 6 Weeks

By Paul Edgar
How are you? I'm genuinely interested to know how you are feeling right now. There seems to be a lot of colds and flu around at the moment so it's important to look after yourself. I'm still undergoing physio treatment for my injury sustained during football back in January! It has been a very frustrating 8 months for me. However, I have to be patient, which is very difficult when all I want to do is play football again.
It's a bit like losing weight. How to lose weight in 6 weeks. You make a decision that you want to lose weight, say a stone in 6 weeks, so that you can fit into your favourite jeans. After all, what's the point of them hanging up in your wardrobe, right? You begin your journey, maybe start by giving up sweets, cakes, fried food and even alcohol! You start to eat more vegetables, salads and fruit and drink a bit more water. You MAY even think about doing some sort of exercise but you're not sure exactly what to do and how often to do it. You say to yourself "Exercise is hard and do I really want to put myself through the pain?" There are hundreds of gyms, studios, personal trainers, Zumba classes, Pilates... the list is endless. THEN, there is the food part of it. You have to choose a slimming group or the new fad diet that you've seen on the front cover of 'Perfect Healthy Woman' magazine [that magazine doesn't actually exist by the way, I made it up!]. THEN, you see the latest diet pill that is causing a mass revolution in the USA - it must work, 100 celebs are trying it and they are so thin! You are just inundated with choices BUT (and here's the deal), you just don't know where to turn for the best. True?
So, where do you go from here? Well, the first thing I would suggest is to make a plan. You want to lose a stone in 6 weeks? Set the exact date, i.e. by 10th November 2013. Then, get out your diary and make appointments (with yourself) for your exercise, e.g. Mon 7.30-8.00am Body weight exercises at home; Wed 6-7pm Zumba class; Fri 6-6.30pm Interval running session; Sun 8-8.30am Pilates exercises at home. You get the idea? If you don't do this, you will aimlessly exercise in a haphazard fashion and your results will be haphazard. You should also take some photos and measurements before starting to refer back to when you get to your target date.
The same with your eating. Plan your meals for the WEEK, not just the following day. Do a whole week's shopping and LEAVE OUT those nasty sugary treats - at least until you reach your goal of a stone off in weight. ONLY buy the healthy stuff - lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, lean cuts of meat, oily fish, yogurt, coconut milk/oil, nut butters, spices, green tea, juices, eggs, health bars etc. Make these your ONLY food choices - for now anyway.
Keep yourself well hydrated too over the 6 weeks. Drink plenty of water. BUT how much should you drink? The 'standard' recommendation is 6-8 glasses but I disagree as everyone is different and we all have different requirements. I find this is a good general guide - divide your weight (in kg) by 30. The number you get is the number of litres of water you need to drink - NOT including tea and coffee by the way!
Finally, the exercise bit - I bet you'd thought I'd forgotten about it?! Do something you enjoy. Don't go to a bootcamp if the thought fills you with dread. Don't lift heavy weights if you find it difficult to lift a shopping bag. Find an activity that fits into your lifestyle. Find other women who have been getting fantastic results and ask them what they do. Don't reinvent the wheel here - if women are getting results, what they are doing MUST work, right? Of course!
So, there you have it - my 'simple' plan for losing a stone in 6 weeks. Still stuck? Then get in touch and let's have a friendly chat about it - I'm all ears and I'll do whatever I can to help you.
If you are still stuck for exercise ideas, why not try one of my classes for FREE? Plus, if you know a female friend or colleague who wants to lose weight, bring them along for free too. Currently, my classes are:
Mon 6.15-7.00pm
Tue 6.30-7.30pm
Thu 6.30-7.30pm
All at Exhibition Park, Newcastle.
More classes to come very soon.
I can be contacted for more details by email pauledgar@bodyandmindfitnesscompany.co.uk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Edgar
How to Burn Belly Fat in a Week

How to Burn Belly Fat in a Week

By Lynn Hinton
If you want to learn how to burn belly fat in a week, the first thing you must do is to go to your kitchen. If you are really serious about burning belly fat, and slimming down then this is the article for you. Please read all the way to the end to learn the real secret behind amazing weight loss.
Imagine waking up in your ideal body, you get out of bed, go to the mirror and you look at yourself from head to toe with a smile on your face because you remember a time not so long ago when you saw a different person looking back at you. A sad person, who was uncomfortable in their clothes. An out of shape person who was watching the world go by, waiting for something to magically change their situation.
You are smiling from ear to ear, remembering today--the day you decided to make a decision to shift your life to a new perspective. You look out from the eyes of your new body, knowing that your struggle is over. You found the key to unlocking your body's potential.
You are about to learn how to burn belly fat fast and maintain that weight loss for years to come. If you want to know how to burn belly fat in a week then I have some bad news for you. It probably isn't going to work like that if you have more than five or ten pounds to lose. But if you only have a small amount of fat to burn, eating really clean, follow the advice on my website and in this article you will easily drop that little pouch in a week. Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done, just keep reading.
Years ago I was overweight. I was in middle school and had to endure the cruel taunts and abuses of other kids my age. It left its mark on me, without a doubt. Then in highschool I discovered the first clue to finding the master key to burning belly fat.
My freshman year I decided that I was not going to eat any fast food. I cut it out completely and I ended up losing twenty pounds. Then when I graduated from school and moved out on my own, I found out about nutrition supplements and a whole new door opened up to me.
I realized that with the right nutrition and the right kinds of foods I could make my body fat melt away almost at will. It was crazy!! I wasn't exercising in a crazy way. Nothing more extreme than a vigorous walk. I wasn't eating junk food, but I was eating a lot. Everything in my diet at that time was centered around a selection of foods that were burning belly fat right off of my body and I wasn't even trying.
Unfortunately this was all by accident or fate, but it worked. I was living in Texas at the time and then I decided to move back to my home town. As the months went by I watched to fat return and I realized that my new thin body wasn't going to last very long if I not only returned home, but to my old eating patterns.
I have always been a pretty active person, and I was out walking vigorously and doing strength building exercises at home, but the weight kept coming back. Then I heard a very interesting statement-- That abs are made in the kitchen.
So I decided to take control. I had heard about this new idea involving cavemen and copying how they ate. I liked it because it had elements of other crazy diets that don't work. Selecting one food like all protein seemed like a pretty ridiculous way to try to lose weight, especially when I know that nutrition is the key to solving the puzzle. My supplement sampling days taught me that much. I still take supplements and maybe in a later article it can be discussed. I also understood that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables was a beneficial action in too many ways to go into in an article like this.
The fact is if you take all of the good parts in some of these fad diets and put them all together you can kind of see a light at the end of the tunnel. It becomes even more effective when you combine some of the same information doctors have been telling us for years.
I had tried the cabbage soup thing, all the little concoctions, and even though the majority of my meals were home cooked, they still weren't as nutritious and delicious as I wanted them to be. Diet foods were not appetizing to me at all. It just obviously isn't real food.
I had also tried lots of different cleanses, flushes, and detoxes. It was another clue to finding out how to burn belly fat. It was becoming glaringly obvious that the answer was right in front of everyone's faces and it always had been.
The more I read about the Paleo Diet, the more I learned about good fats and good carbs the more passionate I became. And during my experimentation in the kitchen something amazing happened to my waistline.
If you have read this far and are still with me then give yourself a pat on the back. Reading this far indicates that you, reader, are one of those people who is serious. You want this, some people just get what they want. And for those people who succeed at burning belly fat and keeping it off it will be because you did one simple thing. You embraced your genetic destiny by embracing an easy to maintain foods list.
There isn't enough room here to list every recipe, and there are others out there who have discovered this amazing method for themselves. It isn't brain surgery and even though there are people who want things to magically happen to them or don't think that it is even possible, who might tell you how they know better. Remember to make the decision for yourself by trying a few methods for yourself.
The first thing I discovered was good fats. There is a major difference between the way the body metabolizes good fats and bad fats. You can either lose weight, get better skin and hair, or you can build up cholesterol in your aerteries and die of a heart attack. Wild right?
The information on fats is a little confusing, so let me simplify this for you. Look for monounsaturated fats and Omega 3 fatty acids.
Taking in good fats from different sources can help the body melt and burn belly fat. You can start getting good fats today from coconut oil, olive oil, nuts seeds, fish and fruits like avocado. Don't over do it, but enjoy these foods.
The second thing I found is a little touchy, but it works. Addressing your digestion. If you are constipated you will have a belly. It is just the truth. You can improve your digestion. It will increase your metabolism, strengthen your immune system, and shrink your midsection.
At this point I would like to say that you do still need to exercise in order to continue losing weight. And just like I had to do, you might need to shift your work out to something more dynamic. High intensity interval training will significantly impact your body's ability to burn belly fat. There are great resources focused on this type of exercise and you can find the ones that work for myself and others on my website.
The third piece to this puzzle is something a little off the wall and it is all about eating more. Yup. Eating more food can actually make you burn more belly fat. You aren't going to scarf down two double cheese burgers but you will be full all day and not have to think about being hungry. You might even turn food away. Eating smaller portions of high fiber foods like whole fruits and vegetables on a more frequent basis will keep your metabolism stoked all day. Having a green smoothie in the morning after a workout will help you to start the day on a good note.
Sugars and carbs are the enemies of fat loss. You can lose weight and still eat candy and bread, pasta, deserts and other treats. In fact having a little bit of this stuff every once in a while might actually help you lose weight.
But if you want to know how to burn belly fat in a week, then dump all of the junk in the trash. It is only going to give you faster results to eliminate these things because of your glycemic index. Keeping your blood sugar low by avoiding these foods will help you to burn belly fat. Taking beans and lentils out of your diet is another small adjustment like taking out dairy.
You should be eat lean protein like chicken, grass fed beef, eggs, fish, seafood and lots of nuts and seeds. Imagine a huge fresh salad, dressed with honey dijjon vinnagrette topped with grilled chicken and sprinkled with pepitas and dried cranberries. Yummy. You could have a beautiful, bright bowl of broth based soup along with your salad and have a desert of delicious no bake chocolate cake.
It is all about the ingredients you choose. You can remake a variety of items that you eat everyday any way in an updated low glycemic, fat scorching version. Genious!
You can eat classic recipes from regional cuisine, it is all up to you to choose.
If you don't care, you want to save time, then you can do that too, by preparing larger amounts at one time and separating everything into individual servings. Doing that also helps with portion control.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Hinton
How To Stay Slim: Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work

How To Stay Slim: Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work

How To Stay Slim: Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work
By Frankie O'Brienand Nina Lomax
Everyone knows they shouldn't have too much salt and sugar or the wrong kind of fat so we'll skip that conversation.
Your first step to stay slim (or healthy) must be "eating right." If you follow our basic principles there will be no counting calories in your life. You'll be able to eat whenever you're hungry yet always stay slim.
Here is our basic guideline for food selection:
• Eat foods as they are found in nature- in their original condition.
• If it has an ingredient list you need to read it and most likely- most often- not buy it.
• If it comes in a bag, box, or can (any kind of package) then there's probably a better choice to make.
Your mainstays will be lean meats and fish, legumes, fruits and vegetables. You will be visiting the spice aisle. Keep everything else either off your list or the exception to the rule.
Calorie counting won't create a struggle-free approach to staying slim. Here's why:
• Calories only reveal a number.
• Calories alone don't speak to specific nutritional needs for assorted nutrients.
• Calories don't identify whether your selection is a whole food or highly processed food that should be avoided.
• Calories don't govern your appetite or drive your cravings.
Instead of first being calorie conscious focus on choosing foods that either don't need a label or foods with 100% of their ingredients made by Mother Nature.
Here is your game plan for getting slim and staying that way- or for good health in general:
1. Eliminate from your life all foods containing chemical additives. As much as possible eliminate processed foods.
2. Learn to recognize your body's "true hunger." Let true hunger dictate when and how much you eat.
3. Exercise moderately and consistently.
Eliminate processed foods from your diet. Don't confuse real whole food with edible creations made in a laboratory. The purpose of chemical creations is not to nourish- it's to drive cravings and subsequently drive sales for that product. We call this Frankenstein food "cravage"- our hybrid word (crave and garbage) for foods created in a laboratory to drive cravings while providing no significant nutrition.
Eating cravage is shooting yourself in your fitness foot. Cravage distorts your appetite and confuses your body's hunger signals, making you able to eat inordinately large quantities of food. You won't know if you're eating because you're hungry or because something tastes good. You won't know when you're satiated and you'll undoubtedly overeat.
Your body's true hunger must drive the quantity of food you consume at any given time. When your body is free of chemical additives you'll be able to trust a physical feeling to let you know it's time to eat. You won't need to look at a clock for validation. True hunger will tell you it's time to eat.
Eating whole foods free of chemical additives makes you able to stop eating when your hunger has been satiated- a fundamental habit for staying slim.
You'll learn how many calories you need after you are in the habit of eating (whole foods) when you're hungry and stopping before you're stuffed.
Here are some additional points to remember:
• If you regularly find yourself feeling stuffed, then you're regularly overeating.
• Think in terms of bites rather than portions. If you savor every bite you'll have a better chance of recognizing your tipping point of enough but not too much- before you've consumed too many bites. Don't swallow anything that isn't worth swallowing. No mindless mouthfuls.
• Require that your food be nutritious and delicious. One without the other will not suffice.
Everyone needs exercise- not just fat people. Design an in-home exercise plan for days when time is short. Including an at-home workout in your fitness plan is perhaps the #1 secret to sustaining your fitness habit through the myriad phases of life.
Any exercise is better than none, provided it isn't surreptitiously leading you to injury. We advocate weight training for many reasons- partly because it doesn't just burn extra calories while you're exercising.
Strength training with weights gradually changes your body's ratio of fat to muscle, increasing your basal metabolism. This is a fundamental advantage of weight training. Weight workouts can be designed for anyone- regardless of size or fitness level.
Once you have the habits of working out and eating right you'll have an easy time maintaining your desired weight. When these two habits are in place calorie counting could come in handy. If you eat a bit too much one day, you'll know how to go light for the next meal or two. Instead of peanut butter and jelly on bread you can leave out the bread or nibble on frozen blueberries or baked garbanzo beans.
Being fit feels good and half of fitness is eating well. Eliminate Frankenstein food from your life to get in touch with your true hunger. Lift weights to change your body's ratio of fat to muscle to increase your basal metabolism.
There you have it- a method for doing what is in your personal power to stay slim and healthy. It's not hard. Start now. You will be so glad you did.
Frankie O'Brien and Nina Lomax share what they've learned in 80+ years of fitness experience and expertise. Visit http://www.fithealthylady.com. Watch these two moms in action and learn easy to watch and do weight training videos. Read articles of encouragement. Find out how these two friends (59 and 62) defy stereotypical pitfalls of aging.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frankie_O'Brien

الفريق عبد الفتاح السيسى فى سطور

عبد الفتاح سعيد حسين خليل السيسي ولد فى  (19 نوفمبر 1954 )،
وهو  القائد العام للقوات المسلحة المصرية، ووزير الدفاع الرابع والأربعين منذ 12 أغسطس، 2012.
تخرج في الكلية الحربية عام 1977، وعمل في سلاح المشاة، وعين قائدًا للمنطقة الشمالية العسكرية، وتولى منصب مدير إدارة المخابرات الحربية والاستطلاع.
 متزوج وله 4 أبناء بينهم طفلة واحدة.
في 3 يوليو 2013 قاد انقلابًا عسكريًا أطاح بمحمد مرسي أول رئيس مدني منتخب بعد اندلاع ثورة 25 يناير؛ استجابةً لمظاهرات حاشدة طالبت برحيله. أعلن عدة إجراءات صحبت ذلك عُرِفت بخارطة الطريق.

الوظائف التى تولاها 
  • رئيس فرع المعلومات والأمن بالأمانة العامة لوزارة الدفاع.
  • قائد كتيبة مشاة ميكانيكي.
  • ملحق دفاع بالمملكة العربية السعودية.
  • قائد لواء مشاة ميكانيكي.
  • قائد فرقة مشاة ميكانيكي (الفرقة الثانية).
  • رئيس أركان المنطقة الشمالية العسكرية.
  • قائد المنطقة الشمالية العسكرية.
  • مدير إدارة المخابرات الحربية والاستطلاع.
  • القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع.

الخوارزمي هو اول من اخترع الصفر

هو أبو عبد الله محمد بن موسى الخوارزمي القرطبلي  عالم مسلم عربي  يكنى باسم الخوارزمي وأبو جعفر قيل أنه ولد حوالي 164هـ 781م (وهو غير مؤكد) وقيل أنه توفي بعد 232 هـ أي بعد 847م) وقيل توفي سنة 236 هـ. يعتبر من أوائل علماء الرياضيات المسلمين حيث ساهمت أعماله بدور كبير في تقدم الرياضيات في عصره اتصل بالخليفة العباسي المأمون وعمل في بيت الحكمة في بغداد وكسب ثقة الخليفة إذ ولاه المأمون بيت الحكمة كما عهد إليه برسم خارطة للأرض عمل فيها أكثر 70 جغرافيا، وقبل وفاته في 850 م/232 هـ كان الخوازرمي قد ترك العديد من المؤلفات في علوم الفلك والجغرافيا من أهمها كتاب الجبر والمقابلة الذي يعد أهم كتبه وقد ترجم الكتاب إلى اللغة اللاتينية في سنة 1135م وقد دخلت على إثر ذلك كلمات مثل الجبر Algebra والصفر Zero إلى اللغات اللاتينية.
أسس علم الجبر واللوغرتمات وبرع في الفلك والجغرافيا و يعتبر من أوائل علماء الرياضيات المسلمين 

حيث ساهمت أعماله بدور كبير في تقدم الرياضيات
وتظهر عبقرية في الجدول الفلكي الذي صنعه
تعلم الغرب من كتابة الأعداد والحساب وانتشرت الأرقام العربية التسعة يتقدمها الصفر في كل أنحاء 

أوروبا ارتبط اسمه بمصطلح الخوارزميات
إن العالم مدين للخوارزمي بعلم الجبر كما أوردت ذلك إحدى موسوعات لاروس الإفرنسية
ويمكن القول أن نهضة أوروبا في العلوم الرياضية انطلقت ممّا أخذه عنه، ولولاه لكانت تأخرت هذه 
النهضة وتأخرت المدنية

أبو الريحان البيروني واشتهر باسم العالم الموسوعي

ولد (أبو الريحان محمد بن أحمد البيروني) في شهر ذي الحجة سنة 362هـ/ 3 من سبتمبر 973م، في إحدى ضواحي خوارزم، وهي مدينة (كاث) التي توجد مكانها حاليا بلدة صغيرة تابعة لجمهورية أوزبكستان، وكانت مدينة (خوارزم) مركزًا عظيمًا من مراكز الثقافة الإسلامية، ازدادت شهرتها بعد انهيار الخلافة الإسلامية في بغداد. ونشأ (البيروني ) في هذا الجو الذي يحث على طلب العلم ويدفع إلى التعلم، فحفظ القرآن الكريم ودرس الفقه والحديث النبوي الشريف، وفي (بيرون) خالط أبو الريحان التجار الهنود واليونانيين وغيرهم، فتعرف على طباعهم، وتعلم لغتهم، فاتسع إدراكه وازدادت خبرته وتعمقت تجارته، التقى أبو الريحان بمعلم أعشاب استطاع أن يتعلم منه شيئًا عن تحضير النباتات الطبية، وأن يعرف أسماء النباتات، الأمر الذي دفعه إلى الاهتمام بالعلوم الطبيعية. وتمكن (أبو الريحان) من أن يتصل بأبي نصر منصور بن علي، ذلك العالم الذي يمت بصلة قرابة إلى العائلة المالكة بخوارزم، وكان عالمًا كبيرًا في الرياضيات والفلك، فأطلعه على هندسة إقليدس، وفلك بطليموس، فأصبح العالم الشاب أبو الريحان مؤهلاً لدراسة الفلك، كما اكتسب دراية كبيرة بالعلوم الهندسية والفلك والمثلثات من أبي الوفاء العالم الفلكي الشهير وصاحب مرصد بغداد.

نبغ في ميادين مختلفة من فروع العلم والمعرفة
لة أبحاث في علم الفلك والفيزياء والتعدين والصيدلة والجغرافيا، والجيولوجيا
ففي مجال الفلك قال بوجود قوى للجاذبية بين الأجسام قبل أن يكتشفها "نيوتن"
وضع نظرية لحساب محيط الأرض لا تزال تعرف باسمه حتى الآن في الكتب المدرسية

أنشأت جمهورية أوزبكستان جامعة باسمه
وأقيم له في المتحف الجيولوجي بجامعة موسكو تمثال يخلد ذكراه،
باعتباره أحد عمالقة علماء الجيولوجيا في العالم على مر العصور

قال عنه المستشرق سخاو: "إن البيروني أكبر عقلية في التاريخ"، ويصفه عالم آخر بقوله:

"من المستحيل أن يكتمل أي بحث في التاريخ أو الجغرافيا دون الإشادة بأعمال هذا العالم المبدع".

لمكانته العلمية وبحوثه الرائدة في علوم الفضاء اختير من بين (18) عالمًا إسلاميًّا، أطلقت أسماؤهم
على بعض معالم سطح القمر

انضم الينا


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