
العنوسة كانت الدافع وراء انتحار خمسة شقيقات

باءت مشكلة العنوسة مشكلة تعانى منها معظم المجتمعات وظهرت تللك المشكلة للعديد من الاسباب منها الحالة الاقتصادية التى تسود كعظم المجتمعات والبطالى التى بعانى منها الكثير من السباب وغلاء الاسعار وغيرها وايضا من العوامل الرئيسية لتلك المشكلة الزيادة النسبية وتفوق عدد الاناث على عد الذكور وقد تولد تللك المشكلة العديد من المشاكل لدى البنات التى لم يصبها الدور فى الزواج ففى تللك الواقعة انتحر خمسة بنات اشقاء مرة بسبب معانتهم من تلك المشكلة اليكم التفاصيل كما وردت وتناقلتها العديد من المواقع الاخبارية .

انتحرت خمس شقيقات، بقفزة جماعية في نهر "ملسي" الواقع بإقليم "السند" في باكستان، بسبب العنوسة التي حولت حياتهن إلى جحيم مما دفعهن لاتخاذ هذا القرار وفقا لما قاله شهود العيان والجيران. 

والشقيقات هم بنات مزارع فقير، وتراوحت أعمارهن ما بين 20 إلى 45 عاماً، ولم يتقدم أحد للزواج منهن طيلة هذه السنوات، وفقا لصحيفة "ذا نيشن" اليومية والتى تصدر من لاهور.

وتمكنت فرق الإنقاذ من استخراج جثث كل من "زينت – 45 عاما" و "منيرة – 35 عاما" و "كمو – 30 عاما" بينما لا يزال البحث جاريا عن جثتي "فياض" و "نازية".

ونقلت صحيفة "ذا نيشن" أمس الأول عن أقارب للشقيقات قولهم إن أعمام البنات محمد على وإحسان على تشاجروا مع أخيهم الذى لم يكن يوافق على تزويج بناته، فيما قالت مصادر أن الأب اعتدى جنسيا على بناته عدة مرات الأمر الذى جعله يرفض زواجهن.

اوباما: ملتزمون بحل سياسي وعلى الشعب السوري أن يقرر مصيره بنفسه

اوباما: ملتزمون بحل سياسي وعلى الشعب السوري أن يقرر مصيره بنفسه

الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما قال إن بلاده تعمل على حل سلمي للأزمة السورية ولا تريد أن يكون هذا البلد ملاذا للإرهابيين. وفي كلمته أمام الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة، دعا أوباما إلى إصدار قرار أممي قوي من شأنه أن يعاقب النظام السوري إذا ما أخل بالتزاماته.

Hypnosis For Weight Loss: Why You Plateau And How Hypnosis Can Help You Move Beyond It For Good

Hypnosis For Weight Loss: Why You Plateau And How Hypnosis Can Help You Move Beyond It For Good

By Dr. Scott Lewis
Nothing can kill weight loss motivation quite like Plateauing. This phenomenon happens when you've been dieting and exercising for a prolonged period of time, watching the numbers on the scale steadily drop, when out of nowhere, the weight loss stalls or even stops. It is a frustrating reality for millions of Americans who struggle with their weight, because it can be discouraging to think that all of our healthy lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, are futile.
This line of thinking is unfortunate because, when we stop seeing the results of all of our hard work, oftentimes the motivation to maintain the healthy behaviors that lead to our weight loss starts to fail because it seems like they're not working anymore. If you let defeatist thinking creep in and disrupt your healthy new routine, it can cause the weight you worked so hard to lose to come barreling back. But take heart: while plateauing is a normal (if not admittingly discouraging) part of weight loss, there are ways to overcome it, and keep yourself on track, and hypnosis is one tool that can help.
Hypnosis is a tool that has helped thousands of people lose weight and keep it off in the long term. It helps to fill the gap that is created when the plateau hits, by tapping into your innermost motivation to lose weight, and get-and stay-healthy. By changing the way you think about and approach your goals, you can maintain your momentum, even in the face of a plateau, when so many ask, "What's the point?" and ultimately give up.
How Hypnosis For Weight Loss Can Help
When you reach the point of a plateau, sometimes the best thing you can do to revamp your motivation is to change the way your mind is approaching your weight loss. This is why it may be helpful for you to consider hypnosis for weight loss, which can keep your ultimate goal at the forefront of your mind, even when the numbers on the scale may frustrate and discourage.
A qualified hypnotherapist will be able to help you visualize your ideal weight and can make it real for you. When you are hypnotized, he may ask you, how does your body feel now that it is so much smaller? How does it feel to breathe at this ideal weight? How does it feel to be able to wear that dress you've had tucked away for years because it didn't fit? How are your loved ones reacting to the healthier you- with complements? Do you feel more confident?
By relaxing and focusing on that light at the end of the tunnel, a qualified hypnotherapist may be able to help you see your body as you want it to be: lean and healthy, not for the sake of a single event, or some other short term motivation, but purely for the sake of being healthy for life. This is why hypnosis can revitalize your motivation so you can confront that plateau and move past it without backsliding into former unhealthy habits.
If you'd like to learn more about how hypnosis can help you overcome your weight loss plateau for sustained, healthy weight loss, be sure to visit me at my website DrScottLewis.com for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Scott_Lewis
Weight Loss Behaviors - 5 Tips To Help You Retrain Your Mind and Approach Food Differently

Weight Loss Behaviors - 5 Tips To Help You Retrain Your Mind and Approach Food Differently

By Dr. Scott Lewis
1. Give Yourself A Visual Snack Limit
We've all done it: Snacking mindlessly due to boredom-not hunger. It is a surefire way to quickly derail your weight loss efforts. So next time you're in front of the TV and have that late night snack craving, reach for a single serving portion. Plenty of companies have introduced 100 calorie snack portions of their most popular sweet and savory treats, which are great because they offer consumers what I like to call a natural pause point: Instead of reaching into a bottomless bag of chips, with no concept of the caloric intake you're consuming, you'll have finished a single 100-calorie portion, and will have to make the conscious, deliberate decision of whether or not to open up another bag should you wish to continue to eat.
2. Visualize Your Ideal Weight
Picture yourself at your ideal weight. How would you feel? Confident? Sexy? How would you breath once your clothes are no longer tight? What would you wear? Are there things you've not worn lately- or, perhaps, ever- because your weight's left you feeling self conscious? Picture being able to get back into that dress, or that handsome, French cuffed formal shirt that's fitted across the chest. Find whatever ill-fitting article of clothing that you've tucked away in the back of your closet, and picture yourself in it, feeling great. Visualizing your goals in minute detail this way can have a profound impact on your motivation and is a simple way to help you stick to your diet and exercise regimen.
3. Place Visual Reminders All Around Your Home
Remember those clothes you've tucked away, because you didn't want to look at them (the ones mentioned in Tip #2)? Now is the time to bring them out of the darkness. Pull them to the front of your closet, or somewhere equally visible in your home. Even if you cannot yet fit into them, these articles of clothing will serve as a powerful reminder of your ultimate weight loss goal, to help you stay motivated.
4. Savor the Flavors
For most people "diet" food is not an effective solution for long term weight loss. This is because it's frequently bland and unsatisfying, and when you're unsatisfied, you tend to binge on junk later on, which does nothing to reduce your caloric intake. Instead of stocking up on flavorless "diet" foods, eat smaller portions of food you actually like and then enjoy every single bite. Savor your food like a gourmand- appreciate the nuances, the combination of textures, tastes, and smells, and then, when your food no longer tastes absolutely delicious, stop eating it.
5. Eat Slowly
The mind is a powerful thing, but sometimes the speed at which it functions is not quite what we'd like it to be. One instance in which this is the case is fullness. It takes around 20 minutes for the mind to register the stomach as full, and in this amount of time, it's easy to have overdo it. So to make up for this relatively delayed response time, eat slowly. Eat until you're satisfied, but not necessarily "full," as by this time, it's quite possible you've overeaten, and taken in far more calories than necessary.
The next time you sit down to a meal, try to take these tricks to heart. They're deceptively simple, but can make a big impact when it comes to making you more mindful of what you are eating and how you approach food in general. You'll be amazed at the weight you'll drop.
Are you one of the millions of Americans struggling to lose weight? If you'd like to learn more about how to retrain your mind so that you can change your eating habits for the better for good, then visit me at my website DrScottLewis.com for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Scott_Lewis
The Weight Loss Plateau: Causes And Solutions For This Frustrating Problem

The Weight Loss Plateau: Causes And Solutions For This Frustrating Problem

By Dr. Scott Lewis
Plateauing, or reaching a point in your weight loss process where you no longer show measurable success on the scale, is completely normal. (Of course, knowing that fact doesn't make it any less aggravating.) Often times, the weight loss of the first several weeks of diet and exercise changes are the result of certain factors that drop off after several weeks of initial lifestyle changes.
Here are three common causes of the plateau:

  • Water Weight

When you clean up your diet, your organs begin to function better. This translates to decreased bloating, which can be caused by excessive water weight.

  • Decreased Muscle Mass

When your caloric intake drastically decreases, you may lose muscle mass along with the fat that you're burning. This will slow your metabolism somewhat, so the pace of your weight loss will naturally stall.

  • Increased Muscle Mass

On the other end of the spectrum, frequent exercise may cause increased muscle mass, which is heavy, and this can affect the numbers on the scale. You'll be heavier numerically, but take heart: at this stage, you'll look and feel leaner, even if the scale may seem discouraging at face value.
While these physical causes may seem discouraging, that is no reason to stop exercising and eating right, because when you stop healthy behaviors, you never truly reach your ultimate goal of long-term weight loss and better health. Remember that when you want to lose weight, you have to make the conscious decision to want to change for good. You have to maintain your motivation and your attitude about weight loss.
If you find that your motivation is starting to wane, try incorporating some new and encouraging weight loss behaviors in to your routine to give your attitude the boost it needs to power through the plateau. One thing that usually helps is to leave reminders of your ultimate goal within your home. Bring out that favorite pair of jeans, or the swimsuit you haven't worn in years. Take out that picture of you when you felt at your most fit and happy. Think about what it will be like when you can finally feel this type confidence again. Use imagery to help you keep your weight loss goals vivid in your mind. Do whatever you need to do to over come your feeling of discouragement in order for you to prevent backsliding, and yo-yoing.
Mentally, the worst thing you can possibly do when you plateau is to get discouraged, as this is often the fastest route to giving up. Understand that when you make healthy lifestyle changes, like eating smaller portions, exchanging sugary beverages for water, and consuming more healthy items like whole fruits and vegetables, you are doing things that are simply good for your body. It's like quitting smoking: it can only help you. So when things get tough, that's when it's most important to keep at it, because the ultimate goal is not just a size; it's a healthier you.
If you'd like to learn more about how to maintain your weight loss motivation for sustained and healthy weight loss, visit me at my website DrScottLewis.com for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Scott_Lewis

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