
صور اللاعب سواريز وبعض المعلومات عنه

الاسم الكامل لويس البرتو سواريز دياز Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz ولد فى 24 من شهر يناير عام 1987  ويلعب حاليا فى منتخب الاورجواى  حيث بدأ مشواره الكروى مع نادي ناسيونال في عام 2005 واستمر معهم الى عام  2006 وكان عدد المباريات التى لعبها  مع هذا النادى 29 مباراة سجل فيها 12 هدف وانتقل فى موسم 2007/ 2006 الى نادى غرونيننغن الهولندي حيث لعب معهم 33 مبارة سجل فيهم 13هدف  ثم انتقل الى نادى  أياكس أمستردام الهولندي  ثم انتقل من بعده الى نادى ليفربول الإنجليزي.
وستعرض لكم فى هذا الموضوع مجموعة من صور سواريز 

الفيفا تُنهي مشوار سواريز بالمونديال

اتخذ الاتحاد الدولى لكرة القدم " فيفا " قراره بإيقاف لويس سواريز اللاعب فى منتخب الاورجواى من اللعب 9 مباريات مع منتخب بلده وذلك بسبب عضته  للاعب ايطاليا كليلينى فى المباراة التى تمت بين الفريقين فى بطولة كأس العالم .
وكذلك صدر قرار بإيقافه عناى نشطات كروية  سوائ مع المنتخب  او مع النادى الذى يلعب به لمدة 4 شهور  وتغريمه 100 الف فرنك سويسرى .
وجائت العقوبة شاملة عدم دخوله لأى حدود لملاعب كرة القدم خلال الفترة المحظور فيها .

وكما اكد الاتحاد الدولى لكرة القدم انه لايمكن السكوت على مثل هذه الأمور خاصة انها حدث فى كأس العالم يث ملايين العيون التي تتابع وتشاهد المباريات.

وجدير بالذكر ان من حق  سواريز الاستئناف على هذا القرار ولكن الفيفا اكد على ان  الاستئناف لن يعيد اللاعب للمشاركة بالمونديال ما يعني نهاية مشوار سواريز بكأس العالم.

the Benefits of a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge Understanding the Benefits of a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

the Benefits of a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge Understanding the Benefits of a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

by Randy Disert

There are quite a number of reasons why you should join a 90 day weight loss challenge. For starters, you will be living a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, and getting fit. That's only the physical benefits you may gain should you enroll in a challenge and see it through. Other benefits include the social support and potential prizes you can receive from enrolling in a challenge.

If you are thinking of enrolling in a 90 day weight loss challenge then you already know of the health benefits you may receive. You are already trying to lose some weight that may in turn let you to have more energy and be able to achieve more throughout your day. Regardless of what your challenge goal is you will gain improved well-being and will become more into shape with your challenge.

Most challenges which are sponsored by a specific business will generally award prizes based on some of the best transformations. Prizes can vary from free product, access to subscription websites, cruises, or even a Hollywood transformation. For some people these kinds of prizes are motivation enough to getting started with a 90 day weight loss challenge.

For other people the social support that a 90 day weight loss challenge provides is essential to their achievement. Some individuals need to be supported by others doing the identical thing to remain motivated and continue with their health goals. Social support is extremely important as it helps you remain on target with your goals since there are others who will be there to help push you keep you going when you feel most likely to quit.

The biggest question when seeking to join a 90 day weight loss challenge is to discover the best program to become started with. Should it be a program designed with a good workout routine as the core basis or rather a healthful nutrition and meal schedule? In reality for optimum results you ought to be eating correctly as well as working out frequently. The program that is best for you is one in which you are the most comfortable with and willing to continue with.

You should; however, keep in mind that you should choose something which has these core benefits already incorporated into the program. In my personal opinion you ought to focus first on what you consume as you cannot out work a poor nutrition. obtain the essential nutrients into your body is more important especially if you are trying to lose a lot of weight. A good exercise routine will help push your weight loss even further while building the important muscles which you need.

Regardless of what 90 day challenge you join, you will have the right nutrition to lose belly fat. The right eating habits with a good workout routine will help you have a great transformation.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/Understanding-the-Benefits-of-a-90-Day-Weight-Loss-Challenge/264157
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Diet Plan Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Diet Plan

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Diet Plan Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Diet Plan

by Tom Lawson

A big percentage of people who ought to shed pounds normally go the path of the diet, which is not invariably the most effective method to take control of a person's calorie intake. One explanation why a diet regime is an inadequate method for slimming down is that these methods commonly provide short-term weight-loss, and do not provide individuals the motivation to consider healthier eating and lifestyles. Some of these diet programs include the low fat diet regime, protein diet plan, low carb diet, or even the fad detoxification diet programs.

The dieter could consume as much meat as he possibly can within the restrictions of the protein diet plan, which restricts the intake of carbs to an absolute minimum (which, subsequently, makes the dieter fatigued as a result of deficit of energy typically fueled by carbohydrates). As it allows the dieter carte blanche when it comes to the consumption of poultry, beef, pork, and various other meats, it could also harm some parts of the dieter's body (like the liver or kidneys). This type of eating routine shares particular similarities with other weight loss diets, as the individual usually needs to thoroughly put together his or her meals, which can take up large amounts of time, while forcing the dieter to drastically change habits that he or she has had for decades - not necessarily an optimum system for good results.

These are but a few of the explanations why the protein diet plan, among other weight-loss diet plans, do not help the dieter slim down for the long-term. You can look into other plans, like Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle book by Tom Venuto though. Relatively few diet programs really teach the dieter concerning right nourishment by searching for low-fat food, cooking in healthy, low-fat methods, and provide the dieter useful tips, such as how to reduce weight and limit intake of food when eating out. Many of these diet plans generate fast, but short-term results, through constraints which suggest unrealistic dieting techniques which are really dangerous to a person's wellbeing.

One of the major causes why a lot of restrictive weight loss plans don't work is the body's self-regulating metabolic procedure - this simply means that going on a low fat diet program, a low carb diet, or a protein diet plan sends the incorrect message to your body. Instead of burning a lot more calories and losing weight due to a proportionally reduced caloric absorption, your body re-adjusts your metabolic process and burns much less calories while you eat less. The diet program you stick to becomes unsuccessful and reduces your chances to consume the foods you really take pleasure in.

Some of these meal plans may require much preparation and expense, discouraging many dieters. People who diet could also complain about their deficiency of energy, hunger, and the general feeling of deprivation which comes with going on a protein diet plan.

Ever hear of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. I've heard amazing reviews. Tom Venuto developed the diet and it's a proven dieting method.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/Burn-The-Fat-Feed-The-Muscle-Diet-Plan/267584
 Fastest And Safest Natural Ways To Lose Weight In A Healthy Manner

Fastest And Safest Natural Ways To Lose Weight In A Healthy Manner

by Jeramey K Smith

If you are obese and you want to lose those extra pounds from your body, the best and safest way to accomplish your goal is to go with natural ways of losing weight and get back into shape.

There are weight loss pills, liposuction process and crash dieting available everywhere these days but the safest way to lose weight is natural way. Whatever is your aim, whether you want to look good, be healthy or lose weight, you should never put your own health at risk with damaging side effects of pills or other artificial ways of losing weight. One should keep in mind that he or she has gained that weight over the course of time so it is very important to be patient in having good results since there are no magic pills that can help you lose weight safe and fast. If you are really worried about losing weight, here are few things that one should keep in mind.

Change your attitude

Change in lifestyle, inspiring yourself to exercise and accomplishing your goal and overcoming bad habits are the natural ways involved in losing weight. So if you are really concerned about losing weight, you should be committed towards it. First of all, understand your goals, it is better to write down you goal. If you want to lose a few inches from your waist or lose 15-20 pounds, write it down on a paper with a proper time frame. Set manageable goals for it. For instance, you can aim at losing four pounds every month for a period of six months. Write down how you would put into actual process. Cut down on your consumption of soda, go for morning walks and do regular exercises.

Change in your diet

Your eating habits and diet play a vital role in your weight gain problem, so changing your unhealthy eating habits and changing your diet are the important and natural ways of losing weight. By avoiding alcohol, you help your body in the process of burning fat. Don't skip breakfast. Change to a diet that contains more vegetables and fruits. You can also add fat burning food items to your diet. These foods act slowly inside the stomach and need more calories to burn than what they have and help you burn those extra calories. Some of the fat burning foods are cayenne pepper, apples, garlic, fruits high in vitamin C like grapefruits, oranges, lemons and citrus, fish like salmon and tuna. Avoid packaged foods, fast foods, cakes and cookies as they come under foods that are high in Tran's fat.

Taking Slim-N-Trim weight loss herbal supplements are also great way of losing weight. One of the important advantages of this capsule is improving the functioning of organs of your body. Ingredients used in the preparation of these capsules are bahera, aamla and haritki; these herbs are found to be very helpful in improving the function of liver and kidney. Slim-N-Trim capsules are also known for curing fatigue, which is a common health problem in today's busy lifestyle.

Read about Natural Appetite Suppressant Pills. Also know Herbal Slimming Pills. Read about Herbal Weight Loss Pills Supplement.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/Fastest-And-Safest-Natural-Ways-To-Lose-Weight-In-A-Healthy-Manner/342921
Effective And Natural Weight Loss Tips For Teens Effective And Natural Weight Loss Tips For Teens

Effective And Natural Weight Loss Tips For Teens Effective And Natural Weight Loss Tips For Teens

 by Jeramey K Smith

Life may not be easy for teens who are overweight nowadays. You can testify this fact as you may see some of them in your family or friends. Some teens weigh more than normal. They come across various problems such as riding the bus as other children make fun of them and make remarks about them being fat or overweight. Some kids can be really vicious to others and this hurts the self-esteem of those who are being made fun of. This harms their personality and their schoolwork in a negative way. But these kids can lose weight with hard work and struggle. They can lose weight by changing their diet and working out more. Here are weight loss tips for teens.

Acceptance and desire to fit in are one of the most important things for teens today and appearance and weight play an important role in this matter. If your teen is fat or just desires to lose little extra pounds, this can be achieved by consuming the right foods and by choosing a good workout plan and being with it forever. Considering weight loss tips for teens is very important to look better.

There are few things on which you may not have control such as genetics and puberty. Both girls and boys gain height and weight during their puberty since are hormones are released which makes the boys to gain muscle and girls to put on fat. Genetics are also a reason in weight gain in teens. Some teens inherit various things from their parents like height and shape of their body. If your parents are fat, then there are chances that you will be fat as well.

While you may not have control on genetics and puberty, but you can definitely control your diet. By consuming right food and avoiding oily and unhealthy foods such as sodas, French fries, chips, sweets, fast foods and other junks, you will avoid the collection of extra fat and calories consumed by your body. You should eat fresh vegetables and fruits in your everyday meals.

Teens should also exercise properly. Sitting on couch playing video games or watching television can increase their weight problem. If you are not physically active, this can affect your health and add fat on your waist line. They should go out and get some physical exercise. Walking is also a good way of working out to lose weight.

Slim-N-Trim herbal weight loss capsules filled with effective ingredients is one of the best products to get you into your desired shape. Most of the ingredients used in the preparation of Slim-N-Trim capsules are effective for weight loss. These capsules help in burning fat and enhance the metabolism of the body. In order to get the best result, it is recommended to perform regular exercises along with this weight loss product. You can easily get back into shape with the help of Slim-N-Trim capsules in your every day diet. Other advantages of these capsules in your diet are suppressing appetite, improving metabolism and improving energy levels.

Read about Natural Appetite Suppressant Pills. Also know Natural Weight Loss Supplement. Read about Herbal Fat Loss Pills Supplement.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/Effective-And-Natural-Weight-Loss-Tips-For-Teens/342923
How To Do Abdominal Training For Weight Loss How To Do Abdominal Training For Weight Loss

How To Do Abdominal Training For Weight Loss How To Do Abdominal Training For Weight Loss

by Jeramey K Smith

Many men throughout the world try to train their bodies to have a good definition rather than being just cut and dry as other people think. You could perform the motions of training plans that many people have already mentioned about, but you will soon realize that it is a difficult mess to stick to various training techniques. For people who are serious about training their bodies, and want to concentrate on the world of workouts, see some tips and techniques that will help you in moving forward with ease. The below mentioned are some of the ideas that will help you in toning your body and lose fat cells as well.

First of all you should start eating healthy food. This may sound easy and simple, but it is everything about of reading the lists of ingredients and cutting on specific foods that you may be eating too much. Avoid sugar, soy and processed foods that you buy from your local supermarket. Try to avoid fast food and replace those things that you would eat normally with whole food items. Don't quit things that you love, but try to find replacements that will help your body to get into a good shape. If you are finding it difficult to quit, take one day in a week and eat everything that you want for one complete meal. Then concentrate on rest of the days of the week to maintain your diet.

Secondly you should start with your workout plan on a regular basis. When I said work out it is not about participating in your local sports team or enrolling yourself with a professional department for athletics, just get a pair of running shoes and get outside. Go for a walk around the neighborhood until you sweat, and then follow the same routine until you begin running, from there try to do it as quickly as you can and for a long time. If you do this correctly you will start to lose weight quickly and then you can move on to next step on this way.

Slim-N-Trim are the completely safe herbal weight loss supplements that are effective when used regularly along with a good nourishing diet, ideal exercises and active lifestyle. These capsules are not harmful; they are beneficial and definitely help in reducing weight in a very less time and effort compared to exercises and diet control. These capsules should be used as support and not as a complete solution for the treatment. If you use them for a short span of time to have control on your weight and then over to exercising and dieting regimen to maintain a healthy weight then these capsules is great and safe to get slim and thin.

Read about Natural Appetite Suppressant Pills. Also know Natural Weight Loss Supplement. Read about Herbal Fat Loss Pills Supplement.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/How-To-Do-Abdominal-Training-For-Weight-Loss/342924

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